Why You Should Invest in Your Company’s Cyber Security

The Analyst Agency, LLC is proud to have been cited on MarketWatch.

Original article found HERE (https://www.marketwatch.com/press-release/why-you-should-invest-in-your-companys-cyber-security-2020-04-19?tesla=y)

It is copied below for your convenience:

Why You Should Invest in Your Company’s Cyber Security

It’s becoming more important

The internet isn’t just connecting computers and mobile phones anymore. With the expansion of the IoT (the Internet of Things), everything from fridges to cars and pacemakers now have some sort of internet connection. That makes interacting with those aspects of our lives more convenient, but it also raises a large number of security concerns. If you aren’t on top of the latest technology trends, this cyber security firm has a list of the security threats you should look out for in 2020.