cybersecurity experts following cybersecurity trends to keep businesses safe from threats

Top 5 Cybersecurity Trends You Need to Watch out for in 2020

Top 5 Cybersecurity Trends in 2020
By Steven Czyrny

It is un-debatable that cyber-attacks are on the rise as every day unfolds. Here are the latest cybersecurity trends you should watch out for in 2020.

If you have sensitive information on your computer, other devices, or online, it’s best to be aware of trends in cybersecurity that might impact you or your business.

The cybersecurity landscape is always shifting with evolutions and advancements in technology and if you don’t keep updated, your data may be in danger. Cybercrime is more profitable than the drug trade, so it’s important to stay ahead of criminals.

If you’re worried about cybersecurity trends in 2020, read on.

1. 5G Networks and Their Weaknesses

The world appears to be making the slow shift to 5G. This could potentially bring new problems in security. Currently, while 5G is spread across the nation, many people don’t yet have the updated devices required to access it. This means that most people are still using 4G. As time passes, this will change and threats will be greater.

5G has a lot of interconnected devices, and the ability to access them remotely. This, and the fact that it’s a new technology, makes it open to threats from hackers.

Until 5G is stabilized (which will take time) hackers may take advantage of the wider bandwidth required to sustain 5G services.

2. Vehicles More at Risk Than Ever

With more and more people having their vehicles connected, in some way, to the internet, cars and other vehicles are now at risk for hackers and other cybercrimes.

It’s estimated that we’ll soon be living with vastly more cars with some kind of internet capability, specifically cars with self-driving abilities.

While this is great for the average person and could improve overall road safety, it also increases the chance of hackers using cars for nefarious purposes (which would be near-impossible in cars without web-integration).

3. Increase in Artificial Intelligence

AI has been on the rise for years, and with it, more opportunities for abuse. AI is hard to secure, which means that it’s left vulnerable to hackers.

AI hacking can look inconspicuous, with the machine appearing to work fine, all the while delivering the wrong results and answers. This makes it harder to diagnose. As far as cybersecurity trends go, this is one to watch out for.

4. The Cloud

Keeping things on “The Cloud” has been popular since the idea came about, but is it safe?

Some people aren’t so sure.

With more and more businesses moving to the cloud for their professional storage needs, more cybercriminals are going to be targeting cloud storage. Many people aren’t aware of how to properly store their cloud information.

5. Insecure Smart Devices

It seems like everyone has some form of a smart device now. Whether it’s simply a smartphone or television, or something more specialized like a Google Home device, it seems that the warnings of science fiction weren’t heeded.

These devices are known to be somewhat insecure, with reports of employees listening in. Who else can listen in if you don’t secure your home or business?

Are You Worried About These Cybersecurity Trends?

If you have sensitive information on your devices or on the Cloud, it’s important to make sure that you’re secure.

If you’re concerned about any of these 2020 cybersecurity trends, consider securing your information with a IT & cybersecurity professional consulting firm.

For more information on trends in tech that can help your business, visit our blog.