ppc campaigns

5 Ways to Optimize PPC Campaigns to Boost Performance

5 Ways to Optimize PPC Campaigns to Boost Performance

By Steven Czyrny

Imagine soaring to the top of search results, doubling your traffic, and increasing your online conversions. This doesn’t have to be some intangible dream. You can reach these goals by starting a PPC campaign.

A Pay-per-click ad campaign lets you target warm leads and useful keywords. It’s so effective that PPC visitors are 50 percent more likely to purchase something than organic visitors.

Launching a campaign is the easy part. You have to optimize your campaign if you want to make the most of your advertising spend.

Take your PPC campaigns to the next level by using these tips. You’ll find that optimized PPC campaigns bring in more leads, which is always great for business!

1. The Right Keywords

The average click-through rate for top industries ranges from 2.4 to 6.05 percent. You can increase your click-through rate by targeting the right keywords.

Targeting negative keywords may end up costing you big money. Review the search terms that trigger your ads.

Remove all negative keywords that are irrelevant to your business. These are search terms that are irrelevant to your business – like a competitor’s business name or service you don’t offer. Refining your keywords ensures you only attract warm leads to your site.

2. Geotargeting

Location, location, location. This mantra can help you optimize PPC campaigns.

Go to your settings and view location reports. You can refine your geotarget location to only attract users in your area.

Geographical bid modifiers also let you adjust bids based on regions and cities. These AdWords optimization tools limit wasted ad spend on irrelevant users.

3. Conversion Tactics

There’s no denying the importance of click-through rates. But let’s be real: you want conversions.

You can optimize your campaigns by tracking conversions, whether it’s a purchase or an email sign up. Focus on only one or two conversions per campaign with AdWords to gauge its effectiveness.

Ads get people to your site. It’s your job to get the conversion.

Call to Actions are critical to getting conversions. Your website should have numerous offers with assumptive language.

4. A/B Testing

How do you know your pay-per-click ad campaign is working? You can use A/B testing.

A/B testing lets you compare the results of two campaigns. You should make subtle changes between the campaigns, such as adding a new keyword or changing the ad copy.

Run the campaigns simultaneously and look at the results. Eliminate the ad with the worse results and continue to test new strategies until you reach your goal.

5. Ad Copy

There’s no shortage of digital marketing trends. But PPC optimization is all about getting back to the basics.

You can enhance your next campaign by focusing extra time on the ad copy. Ad copy should include relevant keywords, assumptive language, and valuable insights.

Small changes to ad copy can make a big difference. Carefully craft your ad copy to increase conversions. PPC advertising companies can also help you craft high-converting copy.

Your PPC Campaigns

Are you looking to start your PPC campaigns? We can help.

Contact us today to learn more about working with our agency.